our heritage

From the inception of the Gallery, our focus has been squarely on original artworks. No prints, no digital reproductions—just the genuine article. Established in 2020, Orendi Gallery initially specialized in oversized original paintings, consistently seeking out both emerging and established artists from around the globe. Our mission was clear: to shine a spotlight on talented individuals, particularly those who were young and lesser-known.

We never hesitated to represent artists who hailed from thousands of miles away from our base in Germany. Over time, our core business evolved. While we remain committed to showcasing oversized works, we've expanded our offerings to include smaller, unframed pieces, making art accessible to a broader audience worldwide.

Continual growth is our mantra. We're dedicated to building larger inventories and discovering even more diverse talents across the globe. With optimism and excitement, we gaze toward the future of art, eager to share our passion with a wide-ranging audience. Our focus remains unwaveringly on original artworks, proudly and joyfully connecting them with collectors worldwide.

Warmest Regards,
The Orendi Gallery Team

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